the three little wolves and the big bad pigの例文
- My son has a favorite book titled " The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig ."
- ""'The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig " "'is a children's picture book written by Eugene Trivizas ( Evgenios Trivizas ), illustrated by Helen Oxenbury, and first published by Heinemann in 1993.
- The 1993 children's book " The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig " inverts the cast and makes a few changes to the plot : the wolves build a brick house, then a concrete house, then a steel house, and finally a house of flowers.
- Storybook characters " Clyde Monster " and " The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig " leap out from the pages and onto the stage as three-dimensional, hand-crafted puppets in " Puppets'a Poppin "'at 2 p . m . Saturday at Pages Books for Children, 18399 Ventura Blvd ., Tarzana.